
Introducing the Google Font API & Google Font Directory

Today we are excited to announce a collection of high quality open source web fonts in the Google Font Directory, and the Google Font API to make them available to everybody on the web. For a long time, the web has lagged print and even other electronic media in typographic sophistication. To enjoy the visual […]


Satuan Untuk Font

Kalo bisa hindari pake satuan “px” . Soalnya si bego IE6-, gak bisa ngezoom / resize font yg diset pake px. Sebaiknya pake satuan relatif-length spt em, ex, dan/ato %. satuan absolute-length yg bisa dipake : in, mm, cm, pt, pc satuan relative-length : em, ex, px (secara teknis, px adalah satuan relatif karena sifatnya […]