
Proses transfer domain

Beberapa hal umum yang perlu diperhatikan dalam proses transfer domain : Domain yang akan dipindahkan belum expired Locking domain harus dibuka terlebih dahulu Domain bukan merupakan domain yang baru dibeli/diperpanjang dalam 60 hari terakhir Jika ada Private Registration, harus dibatalkan terlebih dahulu Mintalah Authorization Code dari domain yang bersangkutan Gambaran proses transfer domain : Persiapkan […]


Akapost is a simple way to protect your email

Akapost is a simple way to protect your email identity from being exposed on the Internet. With akapost, you can send and receive email from any of your email accounts but still keep your actual email address private. akapost works with any email client or device such as computer, cell phone, or handheld, etc. No […]


Justify all text in Photoshop

If you want to set text in Adobe Photoshop to justify all (both left and right), you need to select the Text tool, then click and drag on the image so that you create a rectangle for the text. Then you can select justify all in the Paragraph toolset (under the Window menu). If you […]